International Rocket Engineering Competition

The International Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) is an intercollegiate rocketry competition in which rocketry teams worldwide compete in various categories. The complete list of categories in which teams compete can be found on the IREC website.

Historically, SEDS UNLV has competed in the 10,000 ft COTS (Commercially-Off-The-Shelf) motor category, where we have designed, simulated, manufactured, and launched a rocket with a purchased motor. The goal of this competition is to reach as close to 10,000 ft as possible with a payload of less than 9 lb on board. This requires having good stability, manufacturing techniques, and a smooth recovery process that can be achieved in multitudes of ways. The team has also participated in the payload challenge, which involves having a scientific or technical experiment on board the rocket!

This is the team to join for those who want to build the best rocket to represent UNLV and their engineering expertise! All are welcome to join, from beginners to experts, to uplift UNLV to its best possible place!